Services We Offer At Serenity & Soul Healing Therapy & Counselling

Serenity & Soul Healing Therapy & Counselling


What We Offer:

Mallery is a trained counsellor, clinician and a master’s degree social worker who has been working in the human services and frontline field since 2004. She has several years of experience working in both the healthcare and justice system, but has found her passion to be working with individuals and couples in the counselling field. Over the last few years, Mallery has found her practice speciality in the area of helping and working with first responders, public safety officers, and spouses and significant others of first responders. She has spent many years of her career working in the field of emergency crisis and intervention and is passionate about promoting mental health and wellbeing especially with our frontline professionals and helpers.

Not only does Serenity & Soul Healing Therapy offer in person, online and phone counselling services, but we also provide education, support, referrals, advocacy and builds connection with other services and providers within the community. Serenity & Soul Healing Therapy stands out for those seeking mental health counselling in Regina. Their compassionate and tailored approach ensures you have the tools, resources and supports to overcome life’s challenges.


To find out more or to book a session, email or click on the book now link on our website


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